★ What are the Web’s Top Sources of Referral Traffic?

Lessons Learned on Referral Traffic

  • Search engine optimization specifically targeting Google‘s index is key.
  • If multimedia isn’t part of a site’s strategy to drive traffic, it should be.
  • Sites that are not seeing traffic from Facebook, Twitter, or both, are missing out on a major traffic-generation source.
  • Don’t waste time promoting your site on any Social Media network other than Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn.
  • Make sure articles work their way into StumbleUpon.
  • Remember, links from related or high-traffic sites can not only dramatically increase site traffic, they can positively impact search result listings.

[ReadWriteWeb: Analysis: What are the Web’s Top Sources of Referral Traffic? →]

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How to Repeatedly Get Featured on Many Top Blogs

MaxBlogPress has a good guest post about guest posting by Onibalusi Bamidele. There is no doubt that guest blogging is a great way to get traffic to your own blog. But the best part of the article is the reminder of how to get the best from your guest blogs.

  • Link to your feed
  • Link to your mailing list
  • Use SEO’d anchor text
  • Use cool and professional author bio — It is your bio that you can use to convince those reading your guest post to visit your blog

[MaxBlogPress: How I Repeatedly Get Featured on Many Top Blogs →]

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700 Dofollow Forums List

Dofollow forums are one of the most popular and easiest way to get free targeted traffic and free backlinks for your blog or website. TechMais wants to share 700 dofollow forums, which will help you in your blog or website promotion.

Remember, whenever you are in a forum that caters to your target market, make it a point to be the one who answers questions, rather than the person that asks questions. The point is that you want to appear to your target audience as the expert with all of the right answers.

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